St. Vital EMC - Lead Pastor Job Posting 

    St. Vital EMC Church is looking for a Lead Pastor beginning Summer of 2024.  Our church is located at 2005 St. Mary’s Rd in Winnipeg, MB and comprises of an average attendance of one hundred on a given Sunday.  We are looking for a leader who is guided by the Holy Spirit and exhibits qualities as listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.  Our church works as a team with board together and pastor(s) setting the agenda but the big decisions are made by all the members.  The Lead Pastor does most of the preaching but shares the pulpit with other leaders.  The Lead Pastor would be part of a paid team consisting of the Associate Pastor and Secretary. The Job Ministry Descriptions are available upon request. Education, Experience and agreement to the EMC statement of faith will be considered.  Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Mike Hopcraft at [email protected] in addition to submitting your cover letter and resume. 

    SVEMC Fact Sheet

    St Vital EMC church is located in the south part of Winnipeg.  It is an urban church with a small-town feel.  We are a congregation-led church, where the large decisions are made by the congregation, and is functionally operated by the church leadership and pastor.  Our congregation is multi-generational  with ages ranging from 0-85.  We are members in the Evangelical Mennonite Conference with a variety of ethnic backgrounds. 

    Our Mission statement is to Love God, and live as the Lord Jesus Christ lived in worship, discipleship and reaching the lost.

    We have a firm commitment in our love for God, and a desire to reflect Jesus in our lives on a daily basis and wherever God calls us.  Our Sunday morning services are filled with contemporary worship music,  worship bands of many ages, creative extras to enhance the learning experience, and strong Biblical teaching with practical take away messages. 

    We are a friendly and welcoming church.  All will be welcomed by greeters/ushers,  and there are gifted people in the congregation who notice if there are newcomers on a Sunday morning.  We have a coffee break between the morning service and Sunday School, and the Pastor is involved in a foyer ministry after the service to build relationships and connect with those who come.

    We are a church that learns together.  We have a Sunday School program for all ages - preschool all the way to youth and adults.  Most Sundays there is a sermon discussion class for adults that aids in expounding on the morning sermon.  Baptismal classes are offered annually or upon expressed interest, coinciding with mentorship opportunities. 

    We are a church that prays together, and for each other.  We have a prayer team that organizes weekly prayer meetings, we have sharing and prayer time during the Sunday morning service, as well as a Prayer chain for during the week prayer requests.  We care for one another.

    We have several weekday ministries  - Men's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Thrive (pre-teen) Ministry, and a Senior's Bible study in the apartments across the street from the church.  St. Vital EMC is a relatively small church with lots of opportunities to serve and grow.